Instagram Story prompts

If you're anything like me, you know the importance of showing up on Instagram stories regularly, but thinking of new and exciting things to post every day is a struggle. 

It's hard enough coming up with things to post on your Instagram feed, let alone having to think about something for your story!

So, to relieve some struggle (yours and mine), I've come up with prompts for you to use every week day! This means you don't have to think about what to show in your stories anymore! Just follow this weekly list and stick to it.

By following these prompts, you'll easily be able to post every day (instead of avoiding posting all together) and in turn get more comfortable coming up with your own ideas and posting more Instagram Stories regularly!

If you want some done-for-you, ready-to-go, beautiful story designs, check out our social media templates:

Monday Q+A

Use the new questions feature on Instagram stories to let people ask you anything! This is good on a Monday, because let's be real, Mondays can be pretty hard. Using this technique means you don't have to really think, your followers are doing the thinking for you!

Also, it's really personal. Answering your audiences questions is an amazing way to engage with them and create a deeper relationship with them. Its also a great way to understand your audience and what they want!

You can also change this up every week. Try giving the questions a theme, "Ask me anything about..."
-personal life
-business life
-morning routine
-*insert anything here!*

Then of course, throughout the day, answer the questions!

If you don't have many followers yet, or your followers aren't very active in writing you questions, then just pull your questions from other sources! You don't have to use the questions feature. Think about questions that you commonly get asked via your email or DMs and answer those on your stories. You can even make up questions that you know your followers want to know, or can benefit from knowing the answers to!

 Tuesday TIPS

Share a TIP with your audience on anything you think that they would find helpful.

You can do it by just videoing yourself talking, or you can create a series of infographics. Whatever works with what sort of tip you're giving. Though I do think the power of Instagram stories is connecting on a personal level, so try to show your face and say a little something either way.

In this case it's really good to know your audience and know what sort of tips they would benefit from.

If you're creating a lot of content already, try to make it easy on yourself and repurpose that content. For example, on Tuesdays I post blogs on my website. So, for Tuesday Tips I could just speak a bit about my blog post and repurpose the tips from that post into my Tuesday Tips Instagram Story, instead of coming up with something completely different (aka, more work!).

Work with me Wednesday

Take your Instagram followers through your work day. Show them what you get up to on your regular Wednesday work day.

What tasks are you working on today?

Show them how you work on different tasks or how you're structuring your tasks today.

Show them some behind the scenes of big exciting projects you're currently working on and build some excitement!

What are you doing on your lunch break?

Make sure you start in the morning and continue this until the end of your work day. There's something very satisfying about watching a full story from start to finish!

 Thursday Inspiration

Highlight someone who is inspiring you lately.

Who are they? Tag them!

How are the inspiring you? Podcast? Blog? Instagram stories?

Why is it so inspiring?

Tell people to go follow them, go listen to the podcast, read the blog, watch the story etc. 

This is just an awesome way of connecting with others on Instagram. It's a great way to further inspire your audience and connect more people. And if you share the love with others, you're much more likely to get it back!

Friday Wrap Up

Share a quick recap of your week and how you're feeling. About personal life or business. 

How did your week go?

What went well? What didn't go so well?

What lessons did you learn this week that you want to pass on?

If people are following your stories regularly, this is a great way to recap everything that you've been posting in the last week. Try to keep it concise and have some value or lesson learned at the end. 

Saturday & Sunday Vlogs

Let's be real, ideally you would have Saturday and Sunday off work, right? So while you're out there enjoying your weekend and doing non-work things, vlog about it! 

It's as easy as that, just go enjoy your normal Saturday and Sunday doing fun weekend activities (yes, that does include sitting on the couch drinking wine and watching Netflix, you don't have to be doing extreme activities) just keep your Instagram followers up to date with what you're up to.

It's not only easier for you, but it's also fun for your followers to watch. We all do a Sunday night Instagram Story binge to see what everyone got up to, so, show us!


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